The Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department was established in the year 2001 with an intake of 60. The Department has qualified, dedicated, experienced and trained faculty with deep sense of commitment towards the Students and Institution .the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering is dedicated to the current needs of industry with the flexibility to tune its programmes according to different requirements. Application of new technology in various fields is one of the main focuses in the activities of the department. Develop skilled engineers to meet industry needs and hence develop responsible citizens for our country and society.
The use of electricity is fundamental to modern life and without a secure supply, society in its current form would collapse. Consequently, the importance of efficient and sustainable generation, secure distribution, and intelligent user devices cannot be overstated. This will be a lifetime challenge facing the next generation as traditional sources of energy will run out and new ways of generating, distributing and using electricity must be sought. Electrical and Electronic Engineers have a vital role in addressing this challenge.
Infrastructure facilities include well equipped laboratories such as Electrical Machines laboratory, Power Systems and simulation Laboratory, Circuits and Networks laboratory, Control Systems laboratory, Electrical Measurements laboratory, Power Electronics Laboratory, Electrical workshop and Departmental Library.